I am the secretary-treasurer and business agent for LIUNA Local No. 113 in Milwaukee. I joined LIUNA as a laborer apprentice, and I have been an active union member for the past twenty years.
The election this fall is going to be critical for the future of Wisconsin. We need to choose a governor who listens to workers and believes that Wisconsin is at its best when everyone has the opportunity to succeed — that’s Tony Evers.
Governor Evers has been a strong partner to working families and small businesses across the state. Previous governors have just kicked the can down the road — but Governor Evers has stepped up and is doing the right thing for our state.
Governor Evers saw how bad our roads had gotten, and he prioritized resources to fix our roads and create jobs for my fellow Laborers and other trades. Since he took office, we have fixed 1,700 miles of our roads and almost 1,300 bridges.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to creating jobs. That’s why Gov. Evers is creating local solutions that work best for each community. Gov. Evers has invested over $130 million in job training programs, which have created long-term skills training, apprenticeships, and job opportunities for workers in every corner of the state — and our record low unemployment rate shows these are paying off.
Gov. Evers’ programs look different in each community — in some places it’s being used to expand childcare opportunities, while in others it’s filling hospital jobs or training the next generation of manufacturing workers or creating skills training for Wisconsinites who have lost their previous job.
Whether it’s hiring healthcare professionals in rural communities, expanding affordable childcare, or creating a pipeline of skilled workers in southeast Wisconsin — Gov. Evers is investing in common sense solutions and creating opportunities for businesses and workers.
Like Governor Evers, I believe that our young people are the future of our state. I partner with Bradley Tech High School and Barack Obama High School to mentor students who are interested in the skilled construction trades industry. I hope to prepare students for careers in the construction industry and teach them the importance of a good work ethic and job safety.
I am thankful that we have a governor who recognizes the importance of teaching our students about all the opportunities available to them when they graduate from high school. College isn’t always the best option for everyone, and for many students, technical education and apprenticeships are the affordable option and a great pathway to a fulfilling career.
Thanks to the governor’s investments in job training, workers, small businesses, and infrastructure, Wisconsin is shattering records under Gov. Evers’ common sense leadership with one the lowest unemployment rate in state history and one of the highest labor force participation rates in the nation.
But, there is still work to be done, and that’s why Gov. Evers is focused on filling jobs and creating opportunities for Wisconsinites. He’ll always do the right thing for workers, and that’s why I’m proud to be standing with him. We need to re-elect Gov. Evers this fall.
John Swan III is the secretary-treasurer and business agent for LIUNA Local No. 113 in Milwaukee.